--- title: "Slices of an implicit hypersurface with R" author: "Stéphane Laurent" date: '2022-07-15' tags: R, graphics, rgl, geometry, maths rbloggers: yes output: md_document: variant: markdown preserve_yaml: true html_document: highlight: kate keep_md: no highlighter: pandoc-solarized --- In a [previous post](https://laustep.github.io/stlahblog/posts/slicedHypersurface.html), I showed how to draw a 3D slice of a 4D hypersurface when a parameterization of this hypersurface is available. Here we deal with the case when an implicit equation of the hypersurface is available. For the illustration, we again consider the [*tiger*](http://hi.gher.space/wiki/Tiger). It is given by the implicit equation $$ {\bigl(\sqrt{x^2 + y^2} - R_1\bigr)}^2 + {\bigl(\sqrt{z^2 + w^2} - R_2\bigr)}^2 = r^2. $$ We will fix a value of the fourth coordinate $w$, say $w_0$. That is to say we deal with the cross-section with the hyperplane $\{w = w_0\}$. And we will rotate the hypersurface in the 4D space. We use a [*right-isoclinic*](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Rotations_in_4-dimensional_Euclidean_space) rotation. The function below performs such a rotation, allowing to pass several input vectors as a matrix. ``` {.r .numberLines} # right-isoclinic rotation in 4D space # xi is the angle of rotation rotate4d <- function(alpha, beta, xi, vec){ a <- cos(xi) b <- sin(alpha) * cos(beta) * sin(xi) c <- sin(alpha) * sin(beta) * sin(xi) d <- cos(alpha) * sin(xi) x <- vec[, 1L]; y <- vec[, 2L]; z <- vec[, 3L]; w <- vec[, 4L] cbind( a*x - b*y - c*z - d*w, a*y + b*x + c*w - d*z, a*z - b*w + c*x + d*y, a*w + b*z - c*y + d*x ) } ``` So, in the implicit equation we fix $w=w_0$ and we perform the rotation, taking arbitrary values for $\alpha$ and $\beta$: ``` {.r .numberLines} f <- function(xyz, w0, xi, R1 = 3, R2 = 2, r = 1){ rxyzw <- rotate4d(pi/4, pi/4, xi, cbind(xyz, w0)) x <- rxyzw[, 1L] y <- rxyzw[, 2L] z <- rxyzw[, 3L] w <- rxyzw[, 4L] (sqrt(x^2+y^2) - R1)^2 + (sqrt(z^2+w^2) - R2)^2 - r^2 } ``` To plot the isosurface, we will use the **rmarchingcubes** package, not only for its speed, but also because it computes an excellent approximation of the per-vertex normals (it approximates the gradient of $f$). So taking a $150 \times 150 \times 150$ grid is enough to get a smooth surface: ``` {.r .numberLines} # make grid #### n <- 150L x <- seq(-5, 5, len = n) y <- seq(-5, 5, len = n) z <- seq(-5, 5, len = n) Grid <- expand.grid(X = x, Y = y, Z = z) # run the marching cubes #### library(rmarchingcubes) voxel <- array(f(Grid, w_0 = 0.3, xi = pi/3), dim = c(n, n, n)) cont <- contour3d(voxel, level = 0, x = x, y = y, z = z) # plot #### library(rgl) mesh <- tmesh3d( vertices = t(cont[["vertices"]]), indices = t(cont[["triangles"]]), normals = cont[["normals"]], homogeneous = FALSE ) open3d(windowRect = c(50, 50, 562, 562), zoom = 0.8) bg3d( sphere = FALSE, texture = "SpaceBackground.png", col = "white" ) shade3d(mesh, color = "maroon") ``` ![](./figures/tiger01(implicit).png){width="50%"} Now let's make an animation by varying the angle of rotation $\xi$ from $0$ to $\pi$. ``` {.r .numberLines} # vector of angles #### nframes <- 60L xi_ <- seq(0, pi, length.out = nframes) # open the 3D engine #### open3d( windowRect = c(50, 50, 562, 562), zoom = 0.85, userMatrix = rbind( c(0.93, -0.16, -0.33, 0), c(0.35, 0.66, 0.67, 0), c(0.11, -0.74, 0.67, 0), c( 0, 0, 0, 1) ) ) bg3d( sphere = FALSE, texture = "SpaceBackground.png", col = "white" ) # save the frames in png files #### for(i in 1L:nframes){ v <- array(f(Grid, w0 = 0.3, xi = xi_[i]), dim = c(n, n, n)) cont <- contour3d(v, level = 0, x = x, y = y, z = z) mesh <- tmesh3d( vertices = t(cont[["vertices"]]), indices = t(cont[["triangles"]]), normals = cont[["normals"]], homogeneous = FALSE ) shade3d(mesh, color = "maroon") snapshot3d(sprintf("zzpic%03d.png", i), webshot = FALSE) clear3d() } # make the animation with ImageMagick #### # option '-duplicate 1,-2-1' to get a forward-backward animation command <- paste0( "magick convert -dispose previous -delay 10 ", "-duplicate 1,-2-1 zzpic*.png tiger.gif" ) system(command) ``` ![](./figures/tiger01(implicit).gif){width="50%"} A similar animation with a more complex surface can be found on [my youtube channel](https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCQ2hC8ETS9FFm2pzzyZCVUw/videos).